Directional Skin Drag for Difficult Shoulder Cases

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Lesson Plan

The shoulder is the most complex joint in the body. Solving many cases of shoulder pain and dysfunction can prove challenging because of the delicate balance of stability, mobility and motor control that is needed so ensure proper function. In this webinar, we will present a simple and innovative technique for using skin drag to simplify the process of reducing pain and increasing range of motion. We will also discuss strategies for making those improvements stick long term, resulting in better outcomes for our patients and clients.

Learn easy practical solutions for patients and clients

  • Understand the factors that are causing a pain response at the shoulder joint.
  • Discover how aponeurotic rings imbedded within the fascial layers can contribute to an unsafe environment for the brain.
  • Gain valuable range of motion without stretching.
  • Learn how skin drag can reduce a perceived threat by the nervous system, improving overall function with a simple manual technique.
  • Prescribe simple and effective corrective exercises to lock in change long term.

Webinar Recording
Duration: 46 minutes

Course Instructor

Mitch Hauschildt MA, ATC Mitch Hauschildt MA, ATC

Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS serves as the Prevention, Rehab, and Physical Performance Coordinator for 17 sports at Missouri State University. His sports medicine background is diverse, also serving as the strength and conditioning coach for Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball and Volleyball during his time with at MSU. Prior to working in college athletics, Mitch trained athletes in the private sector of all ages and abilities. Mitch is also the founder and president of Maximum Training Solutions, a full service Sports Medicine and Sports Performance consultancy. Mitch is a noted speaker on both a regional and national level, and has been published multiple times in professional journals and coaching websites.

Utilizing Directional Skin Drag to Solve Difficult Shoulder Cases