Fascial and Fluid Pumping to Improve Joint Biomechanics
Human biomechanics occur via a delicate balance of compressive and tensile forces in the body. Also known as BioTensegrity.
The fibrous structures: ligament, tendon to tendon with aponeurosis, periosteum, labrum, meniscus, annular fibers of IVD, and others, are all collagen based Fascia. These manage the ‘tensile’ forces.
The fluid components: synovial, bursae, ECMatrix, lymph, fat pads & un- organized adipose for movement (between scapula & serratus AND serratus & rib cage), nucleus propulsus of IVDisc, and others, help to manage the compressive forces.
To treat and alter the fluidic components raises the bar/game in musculoskeletal care/ sports rehabilitation.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the fluidic components of the body and how to alter thixotrophy? And overall flow.
- Specific treatment discussion to fluidic components of dysfunction.
- Why OsteoArticular Pumping is used at the highest levels of post injury/ post-surgical rehab.
- How Articular Pumping is different from current popular treatment models.
- How Articular Pumping is Performed
* This webinar is intended for Healthcare Professionals.
Dr. Jason Amstutz has been teaching the intricacies of fascia and tensegrity in the clinical setting for 14 years. His extensive rehabilitative work with professional athletes in the NHL, NFL, PGA, LPGA, MLB, and NBA has stemmed from these revolutionary concepts. His complex understanding of the properties and anatomy of fascia and how it relates specifically to PFS will improve your practice and patient outcomes.